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Statistics and data analysis services tailored to the needs of you and your project

Initial consultation

In our first meeting, we'll talk about your project, your research questions and hypotheses, and the data you have collected. We'll also discuss your project requirements, milestones, and deadlines, as well as my role in helping with this project.

I can also provide advice on study design and data collection in the planning phase (i.e., before any data have been collected).


Types of analyses

I have expertise in a wide range of quantitative analyses, including, but not limited to:

  • Descriptive statistics

  • T-tests

  • Correlations

  • Regression (linear, multiple, logistic, lasso, etc.)


  • Mediation

  • Moderation

  • Principle components analysis

  • Factor analysis

  • Structural equation modeling

  • Discriminant analysis



I can also provide a wide range of figures and visualizations (e..g, box plots, bar charts, heat maps, histograms, biplots, etc.), depending on what is required.


Report writing

If required, I can also write these results in a variety of formats. I have published a significant amount of research, I have worked with students on chapter IV of their dissertations, and I am familiar with a wide range of citation styles (e.g., APA, AMA, Chicago).


Presentation of deliverables

Many clients require live meetings for their results to be explained to them, which I am happy to do. During these meetings, I will explain each step of the conducted analyses, the results, and the interpretation.


Beyond this meeting, I remain available to answer questions, even after the project has ended.

Let's Work Together

To request a quote for your project, please use the Request Information form on the home page.

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